Joint Collaborative Committees

Health System Redesign

The Health System Redesign (HSR) initiative was established to facilitate physician engagement and collaboration in the redesign and/or quality improvement of health services provided by the health authorities.

HSR is intended to provide unique opportunities to involve physicians in the planning, decision making and implementation of new or revised health services, in a manner that contributes to alignment across the health system and reflects the application of the IHI Triple Aim Improvement Framework.

Funding for the Health System Redesign initiative is provided by the JCCs: Specialist Services, Shared Care, and Family Practice Services Committees.


(Specialists & Family Practitioners)

HOW: Supports inclusion and enhancement of physicians’ voices in the development of health system quality improvements.


HOW: Physicians’ voice in the development of health system quality improvement will ultimately help meet the needs of patients and families.

Funding Criteria

In determining that a particular activity is appropriate for Health System Redesign funding, health authorities should apply the following criteria: 

  • Funding is to be aligned with the Ministry of Health priorities.
  • Funding is intended to assist health authorities to receive meaningful physician input and engagement in acute and community-based service redesign activities and projects.
  • Physician input and engagement should reflect appropriate application of the IAP2 Core Values and Spectrum of Engagement. Identification of the level of engagement anticipated in projects and activities supported through HSR funding should be clearly outlined for each project or engagement activity funded.
  • Funding is applied for time-limited redesign projects and broad scale physician engagement in health authority service redesign activities, recognizing that these may be several years in duration.
  • Funding is not intended for ongoing program administration, standing committee work or to cover the cost of staff positions.
  • Funding is intended to cover physician participation beyond hospital administrative duties for which physicians are already responsible and compensated; and
  • Funding for physician engagement in health authority HSR projects should not be applied where funding responsibility for physician engagement rests elsewhere, regardless of whether funding for those activities is considered inadequate. This is to avoid overlap and duplication of funding from multiple sources.

Access Support

Funding is administered by each health authority.

Please contact your health authority to learn more about how to access this support: 

Vancouver Coastal Health
Suzanne Turnbull:

Interior Health
Atsuko Tanahara:

Fraser Health
Jag Sandhu:

Island Health
Deborah Bartley:

Northern Health
Janice Paterson:

Provincial Health Services