As of April 1, 2024, there will be a JCC rate increase of 3% for family physicians and specialist physicians who participate in quality and system improvement activities on behalf of the JCCs. In late March we were advised by HEABC of the PMA COLA increase for this year, hence the late notice for the increase to rates for April 1st.
The JCC sessional rate will change from $171.05 to $176.18 per hour when participating in JCC meetings, initiatives, projects, and activities. It is noted that 2% was negotiated through the Physician Master Agreement and 1% is for cost-of-living adjustment (COLA).
This rate was initially made in 2020 as a distinction from the clinical sessional rates. The JCC co-chairs and Physician Services Committee decided that family physicians and specialist physicians would be compensated for their time at the same rate, given all physicians bring equivalent leadership and strategic skills to the work. Read more here.
The JCC rate is mandatory for all quality and system improvement activities (i.e., non-clinical work) on behalf of the JCCs. The JCC rate is not applicable for physicians’ clinical work or work funded by other organization, such as the Ministry of Health.